Husband and wife team, Alan Buckles and
Kellie Buckles, killed buck with rack held by Alan Buckles on January 14,
1996, on their property located in Southwest Mississippi in Franklin County.
It was an 11 point and had a 14" spread and weighed about 150 to 175 pounds.
Alan tells us this story, "My wife and I were riding horses that day and out
of the blue this deer runs down a fence line. It just happened to come between
my wife and I which I was on one side of the fence line and she was on the
other side. The deer comes to a dead stop because the horses startled it. The
deer was confused on which way to go. It stood there and watched us for about
10 minutes and took a fast break for a thicket about a 1 mile from us. We
chased the deer on our horses for about 15 or 20 minutes until it hid in the
thicket which was about 25 feet in diameter in the middle of a pasture. I
told my wife to ride around the thicket and coral it until I could return with
a firearm. I returned about 30 minutes later with a single shot goose gun and
in my excitement I only grabbed one 3" .00 buckshot shell. I did not realize
it until I arrived at the thicket. I had only one shell so I had to make it
count. I made the shot and dragged the deer home with the horse. The other
skull rack I found was on a scouting mission on my property about 1/4 of a
mile from the other deer my wife and I killed. I found it about 5 years
later. Someone from and adjcent property must have shot it and it died later
on my property."