Dallas Townsend is Shane Easternling's
cousin, and he killed his first deer with Shane. This is Shane's story: "Dallas was standing with me on one stand while his Dad and his older brother were on the next stand over, down the power line. We were running dogs and they jumped not too far in front of us. We saw two does and a small buck, but he was not able to get on them before they crossed the power line. Later, a nice little 8 point came across the power line and stood long enough for Dallas to get a shot off, but he shot just under the deer. We went and checked for blood, but found it was a clean miss. Dallas told me that he did not care, he was just glad to get a shot. We walked back up to our stand and had not been there two minutes and I saw another deer coming to us. I got Dallas turned and a big doe stepped out just 20 yards from us. The deer turned and was slightly quartering away when I told Dallas to shoot, and "Big D" put a fine Texas heart shot on the deer and broke her down. This was Big D's first deer and he was very excited. The big doe weighed 115 lbs. He killed on 12/2703, and his Dad killed his first deer 31 years ago on 12/27/72." |