Shane Eastering (left) and Landon Smith (right) pictured again with 2 toms taken on team hunting adventure on March 29, 2004.  Shane reports, "
We went close to where we knew they were roosting, set up and called one time.  Started talking and about 10 min. later I looked and there was a long beard 20yds from us.  Landon asked if he could shoot it and I knew I could not get to the camera and get it on in time so I told him to shoot.  He slung his gun up like Wyatt Earp and mowed him down.  We knew there had been two gobblers staying together so we stayed put.  Then I heard a turkey start putting so I called to him.  I did not see anything so I thought it must have left.  I turned around to talk to Landon and he told me don't move there he is.  So I slowly put my gun in position and shot him.  It was a great day and a neat double.  We turned the camera on, gathered up the birds and thanked God for letting us enjoy his wonderful creation.  My bird had 9-1/2 in beard with 3/4 spurs and beard rot. Landon's had severe beard rot with a 8-1/2 in beard and 1 3/16 spurs."