Tyler Hemphill with 1st deer taken Saturday, November 15, 2003, in Winston County.  Below is his proud dad's comments.

"This is my utmost favorite picture. This picture is of my youngest little boy {I have two}.  My oldest is 14 and doesn't give a dang about hunting.   My youngest, well this year I am trying to get him started, and he got his first deer Saturday, November 15, 2003, on the youth hunt.

 As you can tell from the pic he was a happy little camper.  The deer stepped out and I couldn't see any horns and Tyler whispered to me he didn't see any either.
 I told him to shoot and he dropped it in its tracks. He stood up and screamed yeaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally got me one!!!!!!  It was his first deer and he and I would love to see it posted."

Folks, this is what this website is about.  Congratulations Tyler!!  And Congratulations to his dad also!!