Josie Breakfield turned 4 on Nov. 20th. Her dad, Jonathan Breakfield, decided it was about time that she went hunting with him. Jonathan said, "On the 22nd, we crawled into a box stand overlooking a food plot in a cutover. After about 30 minutes of coloring, looking through binoculars, eating candy, etc... a spike came out. She wanted me to shoot it, but I talked her into waiting a little while. A few minutes later a big doe, little doe, and yearling came out. She was begging me to shoot one, so I picked out the biggest one and asked if she wanted to help me shoot it. She said 'yes', so I had her put her finger on the trigger and told her not to move it. I was scared that she would pull the trigger as soon as I took the safety off, but I talked her through it. I put my finger on top of hers and helped her squeeze the trigger.  We took the 153 yard shot and dropped the big doe in her tracks. She said 'I got that deer, Daddy!' and the celebration began. The Lord has truly blessed me!"