Brandon Fortenberry of Crossland Game Calls with a nice Kansas Whitetail Buck taken on a recent bow hunting trip. Along on the trip was  his Father ( Pastor David Fortenberry ) and fellow Crossland Team Member Gene Hoyt. All three hunters took 9 Points. Brandon decoyed this buck down into a river bed by using a doe decoy. The Team noticed that deer were wary of a buck decoy and decided to try using it as a doe, it worked perfectly and Brandon was able to arrow this buck the Team nicknamed Leonitus. The buck was tagged Leonitus because of his great stature and character. When we first saw the buck, Gene Hoyt says, Brandon said he looks 300 lbs.. The buck also had an intimidating disposition, because he ran off many bucks that were much bigger than him and pretty much dominated the area. Though he wasn’t the biggest buck around, he is a beautiful trophy.