Killed 1/3/14 by Shane Easterling in Flora, MS.  Shane wrote, "Been somewhat of a discouraging year as we have not been seeing a lot of deer and very few bucks at our camp.  Have not really even gotten a lot of pics of big deer.  Wednesday, I put a two man ladder stand where I had let two bucks go that I wanted Riley to shoot.  Friday we got in there and I decided to take my gun too because we could see so far out in the cutover that we were watching.  After about 30 minutes we look and see this deer walking across the cutover.  I told Riley to get ready because he was headed toward us.  Then he turned and started staying on the edge and I told Riley he was not going to get close enough, and I asked if he wanted me to shoot him.  He told me “kill him Daddy”, so I grabbed my gun and handed him the camera.  The deer hit one last opening in the cutover and was about 200 yards when I took the shot.  Perfect shoulder shot and he dropped right there.  I think Riley was more excited for me than I was, which made it very special.  Once again, very blessed to be able to share this together.   Deer scored 127 inches."