Dogwood Outdoors is non-profit corporation
and all gifts are tax deductible. We come on a love offering plus
expenses (housing and meals if needed). Church size is never a
problem and if your church cannot afford the expenses we are still
definitely available. Our main passion is to see lives renewed by
the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
We do ask to set up a table to sell hats, decals,
clothing, evangelistic hunting videos, etc. To schedule or host a
testimonial by the Dogwood Outdoors staff at your church or
organization, call, write or e-mail:
Landon Smith
(Youth Minister, Philadelphia Baptist Church, Brookhaven, MS)
3652 Hwy 550, NW
Wesson, MS 39191
Shane Easterling
(Member, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Brookhaven, MS)
885 Mt. Zion Road, NW
Wesson, MS 39191