Missing Since February
28, 2008 from
Brookhaven, MS
Please help us find
her! Please look on
your land, your lease,
wherever you go for her
automobile which also
has not been found since
her disappearance.

Vehicle shown is
"similar" to
Virginia's 1999 white
Grand Marquis
Magnetic Ribbons on
back of vehicle
Missing one hubcap |
$5,000 REWARD
information leading to the
location of Virginia Ratliff.
Contact the Brookhaven Police
Sponsored by the Brookhaven
Exchange Club &
friends of Virginia and "Ploochie"
An account has been established
for the reward fund and
contributions may be made at any
State Bank & Trust location.

please help us search for this
sweet, sweet person. As
you travel to and from your
hunting places, please be aware
and look for this vehicle.
Search your property, your
lease, especially those with
road frontage and roads running
through the property with access
from main roads. She could
have gone any direction from
Brookhaven, not just north
toward Jackson.
Virginia Ratliff, 83, of
Brookhaven, MS has been missing
since last seen
by family and friends on
Thursday, February 28th.
Her husband of 62 years, Charles
"Ploochie" Ratliff had been taken
by ambulance to a hospital in
Jackson on that day. It is
believed that she was trying to
get to him and got lost during a
bout of dementia. She had
not driven for 6 years.
Virginia is described as a white
woman, around 5'1" and 135 lbs.
It is believed she would be
driving her white 1999 Mercury
Grand Marquis bearing Lincoln
County, MS Tag number "987 LIH".
Virginia and her husband are
dearly loved and well known in
the community for their
generosity and participation in
civic activities and have been
recognized with various awards.
They are avid fund raisers for
the Humane Society.
Charles, a World War II veteran,
is an active charter member of
the Brookhaven Exchange Club.
Charles and Virginia work the
Bingo booth for the club's
annual Fair.
Turkey hunters, fishermen, etc.
please be on the outlook to and
from hunting and fishing outings for this precious
lady and her 1999 Grand Marquis.
Please help us.
Anyone with possible information
leading to Ratliff's whereabouts
is asked to call the Brookhaven
Police Department at